Course Details

Study Time: 2 hours
1.5 hrs of video lessons (Self-paced)
0.5 hr assessment (est)

Cost: £75 per person*
*For single access. Multiple purchases discounted dependent on volume.

CPD Certified

Training for School Staff

Training for teachers, teaching assistants, and SEN staff will help them with preparing ADHD pupils for what their futures may hold.

Training for Nursery Staff

Training for nursery staff helps them to empower ADHD children, ensuring they know that being different when they’re older is okay.

Why learn about ADHD in Schools and Nurseries?

For the teacher, teaching assistant, SEN staff, and other educational workers, this training will provide knowledge that will help to teach ADHD pupils and nursery children, increasing understanding of why they do what they do, what makes them different, and how to help them feel confident when going into their futures.

For the ADHD child or teenager, this training will show them they don’t need to worry about how their ADHD may affect their futures, that they can thrive as adults with ADHD. The training will also give them guidance on how to make that happen, by showing them the advantages their ADHD may give them, and teaching them to learn about what their strengths are so that they can lean into the the areas that will benefit them the most.

For the non-ADHD child or teenager, this training will help them to learn about their classmates and fellow students – one day to become fellow colleagues. It will teach them how to better understand those with ADHD, and hopefully therefore lessen the next generation’s experiences of unconscious bias and unintentional discrimination that many ADHD people face in the workplace.

What happens to ADHDers in life?

There are many successful people with ADHD: entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, Nobel Prize winners, and more. ADHD doesn’t have to hold anyone back!

How do ADHDers learn differently?

People with ADHD are easily distracted and prone to misinterpreting instructions – but there are ways around this with their interest led-brains!

Can others help their ADHD friends?

The biggest problem facing people with ADHD is lack of awareness and understanding from people without it – let’s change that, starting in schools!

What strengths do ADHDers have?

Those with ADHD can learn how to overcome their challenges, but also how to embrace their strengths by carving out opportunities to demonstrate them.

What does the training include?

Different Perspectives

Spiky Profiles
Medical vs Social Model
Fitting in to Social Norms

ADHD Overview

Common Traits
ADHD Types
Ageing with ADHD

“Everybody is ADHD”

Severity and Scale
Pseudo ADHD

What ‘Causes’ ADHD?

The ADHD Brain
Genes & Evolution

How Traits Manifest

Inattention & Distraction
Impulsivity & Impatience
Hyperactivity & Restlessness
Stimulation & Risk-Taking
Communication & Confusion
Working Memory

Challenges of ADHD

Confidence & Co-Morbidities
Coping & RSD
Discipline & Authority
Communication & Understanding
Hearing & Social Interaction
Self Talk & Sleep

Benefits of ADHD

Creativity & Innovation
Logic, Instinct & Intuition
Hyperfocus & Resilience
Entrepreneurialism & Drive
Justice Sensitivity & Fairness
Authenticity & Honesty

Guidance to Success

Lifestyle & Exercise


CPD Certification